QR Cube - Dynamic QR codes

Dynamic QR codes for every use


For menus, information, directions, ordering, social media, WiFi codes, email and dozens of other uses for hotels, cafes, restaurants and other businesses.

QR codes which can be modified at any time with new content, while informed about traffic and other usage statistics.

Customers scan the QR code on their mobile and have the information you want easy and quickly.

For the presentation of QR codes, we also have wooden cubes and other constructions, laser engraved, to fit your needs.

Create, Print, Engrave, Manage qr codes



Dynamic QR

Change content whenever you want, without printing new QR codes


Easy to use

No apps or hardware, just scan the QR Cube with a mobile phone



Check which QR codes are being used more often and when


Quick & easy information

Customers could be served faster by choosing what info they need on their own


Multiple use cases

For the Food & Beverages industry, to hospitality, to retail or event management


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Our QR Cubes can present many types of information on one cube (WiFi, menu, services etc.)

Laser engraved QR codes on wood! All you have to do is to choose the wooden structure you like. Customers can thus learn what they need easily, intact and safely.

We have options for every style and aesthetic. Cubes of various sizes, coasters, trays, boards, etc.
Each side adapts to the customer's needs and in addition to QR codes, texts, logos can be engraved etc.
Each QR code leads users to the service you want, on content you can refresh as often as you like.


All info on a cube

QR Cube information
QR menu

Food & Drinks

Get dynamic contactless menu, update your WiFi and Social Media and let customers put orders by themselves.

QR hotel


Inform about basic instructions, the WiFi as well as the opening hours of the restaurant, SPA center or other services, while recommending attractions.

QR retail


From promos, to product guides, royalty programs and payment methods and many many more applications for every store.

QR events


Organise your event on a more high tech manner. Let people register, read the agenda or any other information you have to share.